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Did the snowgrave route yesterday, started thinking about the ending

i don't know how accurate this is in terms of fountain-rules-stuff buuuut whatever aasgaahaha




It's me I'm the maus, with the swatchling, we made up for the end of the world, This is really good I'm gonna cry, scream, and throw up I love that first picture so bad, the colors are beautiful and I think this is a pretty accurate interpretation of the fountain stuff,,, really cool & unique too,, I love how you colored cyber city in greyscale,, it's a nice detail, Also there's a y missing at the end of 'party' in the second panel with Videon, if that was intentional i sorry agehdhdjfhehehe, also mags... Maggie my beloved,,,


GOD DAMNIT WHY CAN I NOT SPELL AS OF RECENTLY-- thank you for telling me and saving me the humiliation though aaaaaaa You are the maus, you finally got what you wanted, too bad you're about to di- and thank you for the compliment as well,, im glad the first pic turned out fine huehue