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The Brighttail video is premiering today, in celebration of finally being free from it I am posting the scrapped alternative Brighttail amv animatic here.

This one is much longer, has much more content, more difficult and was gonna be a whole thing, with different audio too.

Due to time restraints and no motivation, I shortened it down and scrapped a bunch of content.

I will make another post going over parallels and explaining some of the sketches/scribbles cuz god knows only I can decipher this shit pfttt

Audio: newlove by sewerslvt





bright please dont tell me i have to watch this whole thing frame by frame too


also i really like the part where bright and the creator are both crying, it felt like either self hatred or some kind ofself love


I'm so sorry ahdhah I'm posting an explanation that clarifies some of the awful scribbles. I don't know how you will describe each frame other than "some weird scribble to the right, a lot of lines" haha


You can't keep torturing me with all of the implications of these animations Brightgoat! I wanna know the full narrative so badly!