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Chet is getting a device to use in combat, called the "Stinkbug", it's worn on a person's back and exudes gas of the user's choice. They also get a pair of butterfly-knife-like shears.

I am stuck between making it dispense gas through a handheld rod, that then can be attached to the device's back when not in use.

OR a gauntlet that goes on the user's hand.

Aesthetically, I like both. The rod could allow for a fun animation/scene of them attaching it to the back before taking out knives. The negative is that it might look too clunky/big for a character thats supposed to be nimble and slick.
The gauntlet goes along with the "arm" theme thats going on in Pro Soc,, everyone getting hand-related weapons. The negative is that a gauntlet would look too clunky to wield knives/shears with,,, (ideally I want the gauntlet to be big and fat cuz,,, thats more aesthetically "steampunk gauntlet")

Both have potential for cool imagery hmhmmhh---




oooh very cool idea :0 why not combine them? a hand...rod


I did have the idea that it's a rod that is ATTACHED to like the wrist,, if I make it small then it wouldn't really aesthetically match to the rest of the design,,, if its big however, it would take too long to detach and put away so that they can pull out the shears for close-combat


solution: long wolverine claws that emit gas