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Yeah, no I have no idea what's going on in this scene. This looks pretty creepy and maybe slight NSFW, but it looks really impressive nonetheless! The colours and shading looks quite nice here, other than that I have no idea what to say.


ah do you think I should put 'nudity' in the title? I forgot to do that oof and thanks!


Yeah, I do think should put "nudity" in the title, just in case. But then, considering it's for the "DEAD" music video, I'm thinking that YouTube might not allow this since it contains nudity? I don't know. Maybe you should put the word "nudity" or maybe you could try and cover some of the nudity up, so it's a bit more safe for work? I'm not sure really. But yeah, for now, just put the word "nudity" in the title.


I doubt youtube will flag it, i've seen worse stay up, for now I'll put it in the title of this post, and once i post it on youtube i'll put it as a warning in the description or maybe add a segment before the video idk


looks like envy from fmab amirite


Oh my, I feel disturbed, but that's great! I feel like it achieved its purpose, plus each of the bodies looks very well drawn.