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Henry, why are you so hot? You keep making me feel weird. Love the colours and the shading here, it makes him look extremely handsome and badass at the same time. The second picture is another one of those pictures that deserves to be in an art museum. I like the cut of his blood that's on his face, from the sword fighting, A nice badass pose there too! I love the third picture too, showing him doing his sword fighting practise as his roommate, Victor, is just reading his book. Again, the shading looks beautiful and I adore the lighting. Very wonderful stuff, Bright!


How do you think Victor feels haha I have sculpted Henry to be the archetypal main character's love interest. and thank you ^^ i love drawing dynamic poses


Those who say that you can't fall in love with a character is because they don't know Henry. I also love poses. And Victor may not know it, but he has a good boy there.