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((CONCEPT ART/IDEA, i dont like her design as much, might change it))

After getting fired from her job as a scientist, Fukayna turns to a life as a hermit Alchemist living in an abandoned church. There she does her experiments, mostly centring around biology, chemistry and zoology. 

She has a big interest in the theory of evolution, and wants to find a way to 'hijack' it. She sees the Philosopher's Stone as a larger metaphor/allegory, and believes it can only be reached to total control of the force of nature.

Also she has a bunch of monstrous chimera pets. 




nina tucker looking pretty good in that first picture


Fukayna has a great design so I can picture one of her pet monsters prowling around and Safie was just passing by and when I see it it will be like: "MY CHANCE>: D" ((and a death chase begins))