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Once again, you're slowly beginning to get me interested into your AU, this time being Frankenstein. What I love about your version of Victor Frankenstein, is his personality and his faciel expressions. I really love how much of a mad scientist he is. Seeing these screenshots/drawings, it makes me feel he gets up to a lot of crazy shit and I love it. For his expressions, mainly related to your sketches, I absolutely adore his big eyes, it gives him a lot of funny and amazing expressions. Heck, I feel like it makes him very unique too. I love the screenshots, especially the second one where he's wrapped round in some... umbilical cord? I don't know, but I just love how you draw the organs, even if it's in it's rough sketch process. And I'm guess he's building The Monster in the first screenshot, due to the hand position that I do reconigze. As usual, very cool and impressive stuff, Bright!


yesssss i'm so glad!! Every time I get someone into a new thing, (especially this particular case), I can't held but feel proud heheheh And I'm glad you love how he's drawn, because I cannot stop drawing him - so thank you~! He's just wrapped in some good ol' guts. And thanks again!


It looks completely adorable in the second image !!! and in the third they are like: "Dad, if you blow up the lab again, everything will get dusty and Henry won't be visiting anymore!


thank you pftt Creachur gets cranky cuz of all the dust but dust is gonna be the least of Henry's concerns if he visits