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I should've put this in the previous post I did today, but that is actually it for this batch of asks

(i still have asks left over, but i will use them later)

Sooo, I'm not gonna post anymore here, because theres nothing to post, until the public (askblog viewers) catches up and then I will open the askbox again for a new batch, and maybe go on a bit of a break, preparing stuff and drawing everything.

You will, of course, as always, get previews and be first to see them come out, and will stay ahead of the general public.

Just giving a heads up, thank you for staying as patrons and reading my comics~



Of course man! we're not just here for your casino cups stuff, we love your original stuff aswell! It makes sense you're gonna take a break till the main blog catches up and everyone else can see everything! But take youre time to just do what you want to and work on your own projects man! i know everyone will love it!!


thank you so much ='''D and it makes me so glad people are interested in all of my stuff, not just the fanworks thank you,,


You're art and ideas are amazing man!! Love seeing your work and i cant wait to see what else you come up with!