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just some dice

+ fancy background wallpaper



gasp! My guess is that he's been out of hell too long and he and Mike are gonna have a big fight


100% guessing the devil is being dramatic cuz he’s being made to wear clothes/ socialise at the party


I'm going with the devil being made to wear clothes but also the hustle and bustle of the party might attract attention from certain people in heaven


Late to comment, but I’m guessing this is probably during the party featuring the other big leaders of hell and Devil is stressing about it since it could risk God sending down Michael. Anyways, I love the wallpaper. Kind of related, but is it bad I’m kind of losing my interest in Casino Cups? I don’t know why, it’s probably because of the exposition and lore getting a bit too much for me and the fact I don’t know what to comment related to that? I don’t know. But still, this panel looks great so far, can’t wait to see more.


ill admit im slow with the story progression, so that has probably grown stale, and ey what can i do, you grow out of things sooner or later i'd be lying if i said i didn't feel a little bit same but i gotta get the 'story' at least to a certain point, and then ill decide if i want to continue