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so it is #thankyoupatrons day (for me at least, as of now, I'm in Australia, I live in the future) aaand I made a little tweet about it but here is something a bit more 'for-the-patrons' --

Thank you guys for supporting me, really, I can't appreciate it enough. You guys are super-generous and always motivate me whenever I'm lazy, heheh. Some of you have been along from the very beginning, and you guys are my heroes honestly heh, thank you,,

also the next fusions are on their way ;D



You're absolutely a god when it comes to art, it's beautiful. First found you after some Casino Cups dubs from Shav, just last year and I fell in love with your comic ask that I decided to check you out and had an obsession of your OC, Glitch for a small time. But even though that, seeing your other art, it’s just wow! Amazing backgrounds, characters and I like how they were drawn and styled, especially the horror and gore. It’s been a huge honor to finally commission a drawing from you and you were the first one too, I’ve ever commissioned. I liked how you’ve drawn Fowler. And then I did it again and commissioned a drawing of me and your OC Glitch and I was truly amazed with what you’ve done with that. I’m happy that I’ve supported you on Patreon and commissioning you too. I always look forward for anything you do and again, I’m happy to support you and your art.


man, your comments never fail to put a smile on my face ='') and the fact that you liked my original character means all the much more,,


I first came across you on Scratch and fell in love with your oc's. Your art motivated me to write my own story with my own characters and I'm glad I can help support you considering you're who inspired me to draw in the first place.