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door ex machina 

also cuphead oc comic time yaaaay.... eeeehhheheheh



"So Cagney finally escaped from the crackhouse, what's going to happen to him next? Will the gang find out he escaped? Find out on the next issue of Casino Cups!" I have no words for this ask, to be honest. Except for the fact, it’s actually a really great comic. The OCs used feel like they belong in your AU; they don’t feel out of place. I’m guessing Tuli is an OC, considering I haven’t really found any information about them, though I did found them in one of your old asks from last year (your style has really improved, since then). Anyway, so great use of the OCs. The comic you’ve drawn out and written is absolutely stunning. Has a great dark atmosphere feel to it. No complains at all. You’ve done an amazing job as always.


!! Thank you ='') I was kind of nervous about making this comic but I'm really glad you like it! And yeah, Tuli is an OC, when I first made the askblog I decided I wouldn't use OC's and then I was like ",,oh whoops" pshh thank you again!