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Like if she grew up and Barachiel fell (or died) and Haniel took her spot.




Would she be able to feel grief for a moment if Barachiel died or would she be unable to? Because if so, wow that's dark


ooooh, maybe a bit, after B dies, she slowly gets little pangs of grief, and it slowly builds up until her old self somehow comes back,,, i imagine a scene though with Barachiel being punished or banished and him looking up only to see her same smiling face looking down back on him,,,,, hmmmmm


Q the pink diamond dream sequences ... wonder do once they kindow recover some of there own mind, would they want to stay. or would they go rose quarts...then again angels are sort-ow cowards i suppose


Hmm,,, I think she'd stay and angel, for a while, but then maybe get into a dispute with Raz or try to do something to change the system a bit even though she's far from authorised to do so,,, get into a bit of trouble, a bit of lackluster work results and,,, hmmmm