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Hey! I had this sudden thought yesterday after seeing how there are so many people wanting to read other manhwas, but would any of you be interested in a translation service (without typesetting and such as it'd take a long time besides Kang Lim) for your favorite but not translated or dropped manhwas?

First of all, I don't intend to focus less on Na Kang Lim, I love the manhwa and everything will stay the same, except I'd do other translations.

I'll be honest, the company I worked for went bankrupt and currently I'm jobless and the town I live at basically don't have any job opportunities and I'm in urgent need of money until November for a trip that was planned, and paid for, even before I lost my job (I told u I'll be honest heh). Also at the end of November I'll move to the Netherlands for more opportunities (it's already set in stone), because as of right now living in the country I'm currently at is hard, but that also needs a small amount to even move.

So, back to my original question, would any of you be interested in such services? I'll keep everything as it is and continue translating Kang Lim. Not sure about pricing but since I'd be only doing translations it probably wouldn't be much, but I may need the RAW provided because I have no idea where to get or buy RAWs.

Hopefully I don't come across as some kind of money grubber, but it is a fact I need money right now 😖



For clarification, no need to buy RAWs if its publicly available online, I was just saying if u have raws I need them xD


Would love some translation on the manhwua “dating to survive”


ohh I see it's published on webtoon though? :o I mean I don't!! xD