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Back in the 80's, inspired by the movie "Weird Science", the good Doctor tried to replicate the protagonists absurd results combining a beige brick of a computer, lousy cable, a thunderstorm, and women's underwear.  He didn't think it worked and long forgot about it.  It turns out not only did it work, but she's been slowly bulking up since then. 

Thankfully she appears to be a forgiving digital entity, because she could crush us like a grape....

Now we need to figure out how to get her out of the machine, because when she flexes her bicep the mass ends up stretching into a bunch of other servers, and apparently the NSA has an issue with this.

Sigh, you'd think they'd be used to us breaching national security with some ladies bicep by now.....




Watching Kelly LeBrock certainly did things to my young self. This "entity" does things for my older self! 🤪 Looking back, I do believe this movie awakened my love of breast expansion. You remember the scene I'm referring to? And of course, once I became familiar with the shape of a woman, it was only natural to consider what other curved swells they had that could grow....

Dr. Insanatomy

Of course I remember that scene, I think it was one of the fundamentals for us B.E. fans! My best friend at the time and I kinda argued about that - in the movie they held back deciding that anything more than a handful was too much, whereas I thought more than a handful was a good start! He, however, felt that breasts were just fat and he hated fat - the one thing we agreed on was that women looked hot with muscle, so I figured if it had been us, she would look a bit more like this. That and while I was playing with how that big curly hair would look squeezed between all that muscle I also got this bride of Frankenstein vibe that also had this crazy 80's punk feel, so I ran with it. I do half want to play with a more cartoon style so I can do an actual "comic book" approach to these kinds of little blurbs - there's almost always more story in my head when I draw a picture!


Haha, terrific. 😄 Yeah, breasts are fat, but they're also curves. Glad you found agreement on the muscle... the one inviolable belief. 😈 And the big '80s hair was another part of the attraction to Weird Science's babe for me. I'd love to see any of your experiments, Doc, and any capsule backstories you add enhance my enjoyment of them!


Love that big peak