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The medical supply warehouse looked like an abandoned mall - huge, loaded with hundreds of entrances and surrounded by a vast empty wasteland of unused parking spots. I was the first to arrive, but I was pretty eager and tended to be early anyway.  Apparently Pam made the visit to the warehouse part of her morning jog.  

Holy shit she was huge.

Her extreme strength and muscularity made running surreal: she had a kind of low gravity quality to her movement- each pump of her barrel thick legs launched her a good 30 feet making her insanely fast despite her massive bulk.  Standing around 5'7", Pam's shoulders were wider than she was tall, her torso pinched into a wasp waist of shredded, almost uncountable abdominal muscles. Deep pectoral muscles cast her lower body into shadow as her thick quads pumped in shredded slabs straining her shorts.  I tried not to stare too much, but I could already feel my pants tightening.  She flashed me her trademark eye-crinkling smile:  

"Is that a test tube in your pocket or are you happy to see me"?

 She crossed the parking lot almost instantly while her chest went full player piano with rippling melodies of mass, her nipples immediately popping up like thimbles on the creamy peach colored water balloons mounting her undulating pectorals.

While I was definitely in danger of a different kind of contamination breach at the moment - I didn't have any of the treatment myself, Holly was the one who nabbed the last dose, but concentration was a bit of a challenge at the moment.  She casually bent her arm in a carelessly cocky flex that stacked titanium balance balls of engorged flesh a solid five feet tall.

Pam giggled "Aww, you're blushing - it's adorable".

I couldn't imagine how - pretty much all my blood was shunted to another location entirely....but Pam was always this teasing around Holly and I, and we didn't exactly have the rest of the lab to put a damper on things now. Speaking of that: where was Holly anyway? She's usually as early as me and I didn't see her car anywhere.

There was a loud crack, a whistling noise, and a horrific blend between metallic squealing and gravelly grinding as a crumpled heap of metal and rubber fell out of the sky and skidded, spurting sparks before coming to rest on shattered blacktop.

THAT was Holly's car.

I barely had time to register what had happened when strong but gentle hands scooped me up and pressed me into Pam's monstrous chest, and we were airborne. Wind whipped our hair, stinging my eyes as I felt the jolt of her hitting the roof of a building.  I was dumbfounded by all of it, hypnotized by the vein tangled enormity and the warm soft skin of her immense muscularity as much by the sudden chaos of the events.

She smelled like suntan lotion and strawberries.

Pam had simply grabbed me and hulk jumped us on to the roof of the warehouse.  I could see the cracks in the concrete radiating from her shoes.

She gave me a dimple framed grin "I told you I'd be a superhero".  She giggled, crinkled her nose, and pressed me a little harder into the jagged chasm of her muscular cleavage. She then fluttered her eyelashes and gave me an innocent expression "Is that poke to the chest your way of saying hello?"

"Test tubes - definitely test tubes".

Still grinning, she set me down and pointed.  There was a gaping hole in the roof, big enough for a car to fit through.  Or fly out of.

"You stay here for right now - I'm a little less.....*delicate*. I'll check it out".

"Hey, you're the superhero - I'm just the mad scientist.  Tell me when you need forensics".

 She cocked her head, still grinning: "Oh don't worry, we'll put that test-tube to work later."  

Pam dropped into the warehouse, and after a few minutes I heard laughter and she hopped up - giggling "Oh, you are going to want to see this - it's awesome!"  She gave me a teasing look - You're not bothered by me carrying you down are you?".

"If you're not bothered being poked".

She scooped me up, brushing her nipples against me before settling me in a position where my  entire field of view was filled by pectoral meat, my neck braced by inconceivably huge biceps.

"Were you?"

"Not in the least"

Pam's nipples got HARDER, straining as if they had muscles of their own, thick veins pumping into them as the already overburdened sports bra looked like it was going to pop.  Jesus, I was straining groin muscles I didn't even know I had trying to keep myself from blasting off this whole time.

She dropped an easy twenty feet, her ankles easily absorbing the force even if it gave me a harsh enough jolt I was afraid either my bladder or my testicles were going to release. I knew muscle growth usually caused bone to reinforce itself as well, but she didn't even seem to feel the impact.  I couldn't help but wonder what other effects the extreme muscle expansion might have had on her body.

Of course, waiting for us in the warehouse was Holly.

In front of us, was an immense slab of feminine muscle that rivaled Pam - Holly's cheeks were red with embarrassment, and her clothes were reduced to shredded strips that only seemed to hold up at the joints.  Traps swallowed her head, folding her ears a bit inward, as her own pectoral muscles brushed against her lips with each little movement or twitch.  Where Pam had full, soft creamy breasts,  Holly had small, firm breasts that looked like perfect pyramids trying to push her nipples off the shredded slabs of beef - her sheer contrast was captivating. Holly's lats had swollen to the point that her arms were always slightly angled - the same for her legs, although there was something monstrously erotic about how the lower abs and thigh muscles just seemed to grind and roll around each other.  She was quite a bit shorter than either of us - probably just a tad over 5 feet, which made her muscle mass look more immense proportionately.  She still had the same pale, elfish features, the deep shadows under the eyes - the complete opposite of Pam.

"Um, sorry - I just wanted to see if I could lift my car and - well, I guess I didn't know my own strength - how the hell am I going to report that to the insurance?".

Pam started to set me down, but I was a little afraid to stand up - my raging hard-on tenting my pants painfully.

Holly blushed "Er, I'm assuming that's for Pam?  You know I'm about the *girls* right?  I mean, not that I'm not flattered if it isn't, I mean, it's natural and all. I'm not judging, we have the same tastes and all, I just figured you knew - I mean..."

I cut her off quickly "Don't worry about it, I was pretty sure, but Pam's had me ready to go off like a freaking fire hose since she got here. ".

Pam flashed us the dimples saying "God, you two are adorable".

We all laughed for a second as the tension dissipated from everything but our loins, but I had to ask.

"It took multiple treatments for Pam to get that effect - have you concentrated the dosage, or did you try one of the other enhancers we were working on?

"A little of both - as you know even with the genetic changes and the protein uptake supplementation it usually takes weeks to go into effect and you have to have the nutrients etc. as a result you often don't take full advantage of even what's given to you.  I basically came up with a shake loaded with nutrients, the biological delivery system you were working on for people with damaged metabolisms, and a high concentration.  I did NOT expect it to do this - especially since I only took half of it.  The other half, of course, was saved for THIS HOT THING".  

Holly lumbered over to Pam - side by side, Pam's larger frame was more obvious - she flexed her massive biceps, each one probably as tall as Holly's entire body. Pam gently placed her hand on my cheek, and guided my head to her immense bicep, which I immediately nuzzled to a little gasp of pleasure from her.  Holly flexed her own massive bicep, probably 4 feet tall compared to Pam's five but more massive on her frame, and rubbed it slowly against the bigger mass with an intense light in her eye: "Christ Pam, you're even bigger and sexier than before, imagine what this is going to do to you!"

Holly seemed a good deal more confident and direct than I remembered - there were no signs of the aggression I would have expected from this kind of dose, but  her persona was slightly different.  I couldn't help but wonder if she was being completely honest about the car toss being quite as accidental as she said - I suspected the real answer would have embarrassed her more.  I shoved the thought aside as I began to trace a thick, pulsing vein along Pam's towering peak, the soft peach fuzz of her skin creating a halo from the light streaming in the warehouse windows.  She moaned lustily, rotating her fist and squeezing - fuck, another peak popped up, feathery striations pushing up through her tan skin.  I could feel the pre-cum dribbling in my shorts. Holly released an animal growl at the sight of it and I mounted Pam's thigh like a dog.  The short haired blonde just pushed her hip into my raging cock, exacerbating matters immensely.  I couldn't see her blue eyes, but I could see the amusement in them anyway.

"So, should we fuck first and get the frustration out of the way, or should we hold off until AFTER I take the other half of that dose?".

Holly didn't even hesitate, she pulled the syringe out of her pocket, cleaned a spot, knocked out any bubbles or impurities, and immediately inserted it into one of the huge throbbing arteries pulsing along Pam's cum inducing musculature.

Her flesh RUMBLED.

She had been impossibly huge before, but neither of us were prepared for what came next. All that meat erupted with a leathery groan, each striation swelling, splitting, and swelling again, first doubling in mass then in number then mass again as they stretched her tanned skin to tissue that just should not have been able to keep up with that level of expansion. My cock felt like it was going to burst. Each calf was a mutant Siamese pumpkin made of twins the size of cargo vans, radiating monstrosities so wide her legs were forced apart. Her glutes and quads rumbled in an alternating pulley system worthy of construction equipment, the lower swell of her hourglass figure trading shredded wrecking ball ass cheeks so huge they could be seen from the other side of quads that looked like a pod of killer whales trapped in a net of flesh and vein with each shift of her hips (which, consequently made me have to clench my balls not to spurt hot cum in my pants). Her upper body was dominated by gob-smacking pectoral muscles that rose above her head and below her abs and crushed so tightly together her brilliant blue eyes just barely shone above the grinding crease between them. Those blue eyes were hazy with lust, and locked me with a sultry gaze and a moan of acknowledgement. Pam's pecs thrust from her body like a pair of fleshy bullet trains, veins and striations thundering into space and stretching across the massive warehouse.  An actual train station full of people could ride those rumbling slabs of pure lust and not do them justice. Holly rubbed her fingers along the bottom of Pam's Earth-mover pecs, creating a washboard purr as her fingers ridged all the rocky striations, barely able to stretch her arms a fraction of the way along the side of those absurd masses - luckily her breasts had been pushed to the side by all that muscle and Holly clutched at Pam's creamy vein engorged boobs lustily. Her entire hand barely covered a nipple as Holly buried her face into the areolae of one breast, lapping and licking it savagely, needing both arms to embrace the soft jiggly cap to pecs too huge to fathom. My knees crumpled as orgasm ripped through me, I could feel my cheeks burn and almost blacked out as my pants filled with scalding jizz. Pam gasped, still looking intently at me as she slowly raised an arm - something brushed against my back making me jump a bit.

Good god it was her bicep!

It had swollen behind me, the other one hidden from my vision by all that pectoral muscle, but it had been stretching farther and farther across the warehouse like some self birthing stone monolith splitting and disgorging bigger, harder stone monolith before the rotation of her arm lifted it into sky scraping view, the ceiling being gouged open as it lifted itself up - fuck, that bicep had to be twice the size of the warehouse ceiling!  If her pecs were bullet trains, her biceps were fucking monuments! White powder, ceiling lights, and slabs of wood came crashing down as the ceiling buckled to give him a view of the rising vine choked tower of flesh unnervingly textured in silky human skin. Another orgasm ripped through him before the other one could even stop - he had to force air into his ragged lungs, his cock feeling like it would split as his hard on raged through the thick goo of his jeans to disgorge lust that seemed to come from another fucking planet - fuck she was about to flex it! A fucking bicep that already had to be twenty times bigger than she was, hell, twenty times bigger than than an Olympia lineup standing on each other's shoulders! Slabs of meat that should have been stone in monument valley and utterly unable to clench and ripple like that tightened and swelled, thick hoses of vein became fucking pulsating bridge cables as tiny invisible veins suddenly squirmed in layers as the muscle throbbed and erupted like a nuclear bomb of flesh. With a poof rings of cloud blasted from its surface and a groan like some massive sinkhole collapsing in reality, that muscle seemed to rip open beneath the skin, disgorging more muscle in every direction before it's sheer mass distorted the air, her flesh fading to sky blue as it ascended to its peak. A soft whine of sheer sexual need escaped her pec buried lips as Holly had literally mounted Pam's breast and was licking and sucking what bit of pectoral meat she could reach while fucking her nipple like it was a cock, but her eyes were still locked on me as the words "fuck me, oh god fuck me now" seemed to just escape from her lungs like a drawn out breath. Drenched in my own cum, cock still disgorging what felt like cocaine and fire from another world through some rift in my toes I fumbled to strip off my belt, pants, and underwear as I plunged myself inside her humid, cum drenched snatch as millions of tons of sopping inferno clutched my aching member and worked it like some insane milking machine. I was thrashing in helpless, nerve bursting orgasm - electric eels flashing through my veins like some neon drenched red district moaning under pale human skin.  My thighs, glutes and abs pistoned almost without conscious control, arms flailing with incoherent lust. Pam dug her toes into the floor, concrete buckling as they curled, pulling me off the ground as the entire world blurred and shuddered with orgasm.


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