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Sunken far below the swampy ghost town of Silver Lakes, Molly and her army of rats make their home in the tunnels, warrens and halls of the submerged buildings. But Molly's main lair, the heart of the twisting warren, is the stone hall of the old Silver Lake church, where she brews up potions and schemes to hasten Texas's end... 



Bob Hoskins

Awesome! Will the rats or caldron be environmental hazards?


Oh dude im loving this so far! ❤️‍🔥. Love the details on the BG tho, u've been working really well lately on the BGs. Good job ❤️

Nick Davis

Texas looks to be in some dangerous territory


Thats a cool lair design. Looking forward to fighting Molly. Great work.


So many rats! I hope they play nice with Texas.


A very ominous stage! I wonder, can Texas pervail? Or will she end up as just another stain on that rug?


Thank you! I've actually been slowly chipping away at this one for a loooong time now.

Tuft Mouse

I'm curious as to what these potions are gonna do~!


Oh. I see how Molly ties in. She's the one who gave Roxxie the macro potion. Also, the idea of Texas being a stain on Molly's buttcheeks instantly reminds me of that bad end with the pig from your jetpack shoot'em up preview. Awesome scene.


Maybe this time, it will be micro potion instead ;)


If she is very unlucky, maybe just a stain on her underwear! lol


And the rats would chase Texas around. Though I suspect they'll provably just throw things at her.


She even trained herself some rat singers to provide the ominous latin chanting for the boss music


Yep! Molly sure did! And thanks, I was really happy with that scene... Molly might be able to do worse though.

Ryan Smith

That angelic(?) rat choir looks awesome! Got me wondering what wicked tune you got planned for this fight!