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Happy New Year, everyone!

I hope you all had a great holiday period and enjoyed what time off you had. Admittedly I spent a bit of it bracing myself for importing the Texas project into Gamemaker 2, which I knew would be long, gruelling, bug-filled and brutal...

Anyway, long story short I did it today and it ended up taking like... five minutes. Turns out Gamemaker's really good about seamlessly importing GM1 projects, and even the camera zooms, which I know are handled differently in GM2, all still work perfectly. I'm utterly shocked that it has been so easy after putting this task off for so long, but hey, that's life.

Anyway, with that all imported, I'm ready to start optimising the Texas project, hopefully enabling more people to play, and also adding a big fat rat fight to the game.

Expect to see some more Molly in the coming days!




That is awesome to hear man. Good job. Its always the task we dread the most that becomes the easiest to do.

Nick Davis

Ver cool. Good luck!


Happy New Years to you as well! And isn't that just the best part of procrastination, when what you were putting off ends up taking only a couple of minutes, and is super easy? At least it is better than when it is hard, lol


Oh cool, glad that turned out to be a lot less work than anticipated. Happy new years mate, here's hoping the next year is kind to us all.