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Hey everyone!

Roxxie's going a bit more smoothly now, just had to redo some of her sprites today for the third phase of the fight. However, I have come to the conclusion that Roxxie's going to need one more move for phase three! Currently she has the gas blast and the tail slam, but something else is required, so I wanted to ask you guys if you had any ideas or anything you wanted to see her do!

For reference, phase 1 is mostly upper body-based (hands and boob slam), phase 2 has more feet and stomping, and phase 3 is primarily ass-based. So I'm more looking for ass/lower body ideas here. Though feel free to suggest others! I'm open to mixing it up.

Anyway, have a good weekend, everyone.




Maybe a burp attack and if Texas gets dazed by it Roxxie will grab her and then lick her lips and bring Texas in for a slimy gross kiss. She’ll keep doing this until she’s out of health and then cover one nostril with her finger and then snort Texas up to her waist in the other nostril with Texas’ kicking feet stopping and going limp


I'll go with the others and say Anal Vore, because I love to see it. Or maybe grabbing April from the cliffs and doing something to her to put her out of commissions for a bit? Alternatively, a powerful stomp or tail whack that sends Texas into the air and she has to aim herself to avoid landing in Roxxie's awaiting grip/tail/butt/whatever?

Yuni Hermit

Fucks herself (her ass) using April as a dildo. Running out of HP means Roxxie "Accidentally" losing her new dildo somewhere inside... you really should have come with a wider base, Tex~! That way it mixes living insertion with anal vore instead of simple anal vore. Could have her fart up a storm while doing it if you wanted.


This might be a bit complicated to do, but here goes: This is an AV idea with both Texas and April. Roxxie could pick Texas up and shove her in her butt. April sees this and runs to rescue Texas. She could attempt to pull Texas out before Roxxie manages to suck Texas in. Then Roxxie could blast a huge fart making April lose her grip, suck Texas in and finish by sitting on top of April. Double kill the pesky officers! Or you know, double uhh.. Double Bottom.. Yeah no can't think of a pun here


Maybe an ass swipe across the map? Huge damage or insta kill if you don't avoid it.


Ooh, that's a fun idea, maybe snorting her up rest of the way?

David Heinz

Since she cant fit her butt in the Arena how about one cheek at a time. Slamming down on one Side of the Arena then the Other, leaving Texas to Run to different sides to avoid it. Maby even random with visual clues. Hope this helps.


To jump on the AV bandwagon, how's about a tailgrab to put April halfway in there? Texas has to quickly run over to a spot on the map and grab April's feet to pull her free. If she's too slow she watches April vanish and Roxxie will gladly abuse that moment of grief to KO the weasel, possibly in a similar fashion.


Anal inhalation!

Chunky Gem

It's hard to describe a specific move I have in mind, but something where Roxxie turns around and does some unbirthing?

Nick Davis

Just had a random new idea. Basically, Roxie scours her pockets, and pulls out an old, sweaty pair of shorts. She lobs them to the arena, and if they land on Texas, she'll be left squirming under them, a visible outline of her. Then, Roxie squeezes a buttock right above the trapped weasel, before bringing it down and grinding on her. She lifts, and the outline kf Texas is gone, implying she's been ground into a paste


Hmm, if her butt is too wide to hit the stage facing the screen, how about something where she is facing from right to left, or side to side (Like she does when she tries stepping on the stage), and tries to butt drop on Texas that way? And if she misses she is left open for a little bit for Texas to attack her butt. Perhaps a secondary attack could come from it too. Like a gas blast, or texas getting stuck if she attacks for too long.


Good suggestions! I have something similar (but also very different) to your third suggestion already planned, actually.


That's quite the imagery! Maybe further down the line when I get started on the grab moves.


Double the fun. Definitely would be a bit to animate, but I can see that being very enjoyable!


Sadly she can barely fit her ass onto the stage. And the final butt-slam will be an insta-kill (or rather, insta-gameover) move.


Might have an inflation-style move in phase 1. Maybe.


I think I might try something like this. My only concern is that even side-on her ass might be too mighty for the stage!


That just makes it an even closer fit and even more dangerous! With a more dangerous counter if she attacks too long~