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Another Edit: Turns out I broke the entire rest of the game with this update, and no-one noticed until now. It's now fixed though!

I've uploaded an updated version of the fight, though it really isn't that different from the previous version, with the main changes being:

-April's health no longer regenerates
-The arena's been aligned properly (it was causing an oddly coloured stripe on the left side of the screen)
-Roxxie can no longer be lassoed when thrown, which could cause her to get perma-stunlocked.
-An added sound effect for Roxxie's butt slap on the April KO.
-100% more trains.

Alright! Here she is. Roxxie Roo ready to come out swinging! This is the demo of the BASIC version of the Roxxie Roo fight, AKA the version without any grab moves, because I have not animated them yet. As always, do let me know what you think, especially regarding her difficulty, though I hesitate to make her any easier.
A Few Things To Note:

1) If you are on an older laptop, I would recommend closing discord, chrome or any other programs like that. As I'm sure you all know, the game is quite a resource hog, and it's only getting more hungry. I am working to solve this issue, but really the only solution is a complete port to Gamemaker 2, which I do have planned, but it's not here just yet.

2) If you're using a controller, you'll need to use the d-pad for Roxxie's QTE attack. Sadly it was not possible to code joystick unputs for that one.

3) Remember, you can use Space/A to backdash. You might have a hard time without it in this fight.

4) If you encounter any bugs/issues, please do let me know before the end of the week. I'm dedicating the rest of this week to bugfixing, then taking my usual post-demo week off starting on the 28th.

5) Enjoy yourself! I certainly hope you will. And thank you for all your support!


160.8 MB file on MEGA


K - ꓘ


Aiden Olney

You really made the final boss difficult but I'm not complaining, but when I was watch the game over countdown I notice that 1 and 0 wasn't there. Was it a glitch or to show us how big roxxie's arse is?

Bob Hoskins

Love the demo, this is coming along really well. Game over was fun too! Thoughts on having April under there as well in the end?

David Heinz

I have a Problem with opening the second roxy event. i did the Race bunt i only have a withe picture on the second panel for roxy


I don't want to sound negative because the fight seems to be good, however the difficulty is absolutely insane.. I've faced endgame Dark Souls bosses that were easier than this fight.. I've been sat here for 45 minutes with a best attempt of ~30%.. It will be a fight that I think most people won't be able to do when the extra damage from all of the grab attacks are added into the fight. That being said, most of the attacks are well telegraphed. The only one that I think is really bad is the fast attacks whenever you get close to her. How are you supposed to attack her if every time you get close you get half of your health decimated unless you dodge away leaving you still unable to attack.


Hey SF, Thank you for the demo. I played it and I enjoyed it. Roxxie is a tough fight but I was able to beat her. It took a while to find a pattern so it is doable. Here are a few things I found: If we go back to the main menu, we can no longer select the Roxxie fight. Even going back in to Level 4 and completing the horse chase will send us back to the main menu. The train is not in the background The bottom left corner of the boss arena is not clipped right. It looks fine at first but once Roxxie comes over and the screen shakes a little you can see a part of the background. The only really major thing is the April grabs as they are very easy to exploit. Essential it comes down to a free Roxxie hit. April’s health regenerates so if you are fast enough you can easily have April up to full health once Roxxie moves away. I was about to take half of Roxxie’s health because I got her in a loop to where I could keep pulling her away and then she will somersault back to April and do the same grab. Also, in the death animation for April grab one. Roxxie doesn’t have a sound when she smacks her butt. For those on Windows 10 with Nvidia Cards you will need to go into the options config file (which is generally right below the game executable) and have the following parameters: AlternateSyncMethod=1 VertexBufferMethod=0 SleepMargin=10 Thanks again SF


Do you mean in the level select menu? If so, she hasn't been added to the level select yet. This demo should just open on the fight itself.


She is pretty rough! But she is doable. You can't beat her rushing in and trying to get your whole combo off, but the backdash is your friend. If you get one hit, backdash and hit her again when she pursues, Texas will keep her combo, so on the third hit you'll get the kick off. If you get caught in her combo, jump out before she gets to the hip check. The hip check and butt drop are what do the majority of the damage, so backdashing out before then really helps your survivability. Other tips would be don't always run in if Roxxie is just waiting. You can always outwait her, then react to what she does. She also has openings with the two Roxxie torments (one can be lassoed, one can be kicked), and if you dodge the wall bounce (though she can try to fake her out with that one. I hope that helps!


Glad to hear it! I want her to be hard but doable. Roxxie has not yet been added to the level select. -.- Thanks! Will need to fix that. She definitely shouldn't be chaining that, but I DO think I'll remove Texas's health regen. Yeah, no sound effect there. I'll try adding one today. And thank you for helping out! I do have Windows10 and Nvidia, but I don't seem to get the same issues.

Bob Hoskins

Love the amount of depth and strategy that went into that fight


It is looking good so far! Seems to be a tough and challanging fight! In two seperate fights I did seem to lose my lasso though. I wonder if it would be possible for there to be something when Roxie grabs April, and if Tex is just standing nearby not hitting her, or perhaps watching, Where Roxie will grab Tex too and get torture her as well! It would be more animation, but it would be Roxie taking out two annoying birds with one stone!


Thanks! In regards to the April grab, I'm intending to have it that if Texas uses the wrong attack on Roxxie, she does a grab that pulls Texas into the torment.


Oooh, that sounds like it would be good too! I like the idea of Roxxie taunting Tex, if Tex is just standing there, letting the torture happen happen to April, lol Like, Tex can just walk up to Roxie and stand there while April is getting tortured and nothing happens, it is kinda funny, lol Would be interesting to see something happen there.


Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, Will Roxxie have an "Uber slam/hit" Attack like Caramel, that can one shot you?


Can’t wait to play it 😊