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Just a quick update regarding how things are going. Roxxie's basic sprites (non-grabs) are very nearly complete! All that's left is the completion of the Boxing Roo sprite, a small bicycle kick, and a leaping butt slam similar to the Leaphog move that Jesse and Jane have. Once that's done I'll be able to start coding and get a basic demo out with the start of Roxxie's fight!

I also wanted to let you know that I will be away for this upcoming week, so there will be no streams or posts going up for that period. Was meant to be going away with family but Covid put an end to that, so I'll just be taking the week to myself to clear my backlog.

Anyway, that's all for now, so take care and see you all in a week's time!

Edit: Oh god I completely forgot about the most important thing. After that week off I'll be switching to streaming five days a week, Monday through Friday! If I can maintain that schedule, I will be starting a second game project with its own Patreon page. Something small and different. 


Aiden Olney

Still hope there's AV animations. Please. And what the name of your new game? Will it have your other characters?


Awesome to hear man, can’t wait for the butt slam animation and hope you’re doing well on your week away 😊


The butt-slam might be a bit basic for now, but once the demo's done I'll go back and add more detail to it.

Ryan Smith

Superheros, eh? Will we be graced with an appearance by QUANTUM KNIGHT and ATOMIC DRAGON?


Absolutely! QK gets the starring role! It also makes me very happy to know that people read that story!

Jomonkey 27

Awesome! I hope you have fun on your break! And I can’t wait for the amazing demo to come out! Have a nice day. I also see that your gonna be doing a game based on your super hero’s! Now.. I hope that.. what was it.. shape shifting character shows up! I forget her name (mainly cause I just woke up) but I think she could have some interest mechanics!


Ahhh, Prysm, I think it was? I had forgotten about her. But sadly the style of game won't be conducive to her style of character.

Bob Hoskins

Enjoy the break! Very excited to see more streams, and the superhero project! Can’t wait to see some superheroines at the mercy of some super villainesses! Couple questions: Can you divulge the style of game you planning? Also, any background lore available on your superhero characters?


Thanks for the update. Glad to hear about your future plans and I am looking forward to your streams. Also a "small bicycle kick", for Roxxie!? XD. That will be interesting to see.


Style of game will be a side-scrolling shoot 'em up! And as for the lore, I've written a few stories with them which are on my DA and FA pages. Most notably the four-part 'A Knight to Remember' story, which features the same main character as this game will have.


Oh! Yes! Absolutely. Mostly via game overs, but also fetishy moves from the enemies.