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And we're back to the regular schedule, with Roxxie's boss arena all ready to go! A nice, tight space to fight the fat roo in. Not too many places you can run away from her here! (For reference on how tight this arena is, it fits on one screen. No scrolling like the other bossfights.)

Now just to figure out exactly what Roxxie will DO to Tex- Err, I mean... To figure out how Texas will overcome this villain!

Or something like that.



Jomonkey 27

I’m very excited for this fight! Here’s hoping tex can get the ending she deserves! Also I love the sunset backdrop~! Very nice touch

Aiden Olney

Will roxxie have a kick counter like the others?


Oooo this gonna be good :3

Bob Hoskins

Technically sunrise, right? But I love the setup, very dramatic and climactic!

Nick Davis

Very climatic. I can already imagine Roxxie tackling Texas against a wall butt-first


I'm excited to see Tex become the latest victim of Roxxie's butt! ...I-I mean I can't wait to see her defeat the evil roo! Yeah, sheriffs!

Mataku Lasame

That's a damn gorgeous backdrop, would be a shame if some sheriff was fart-blasted far into it~

Wylie Copperton

"Get ready for the final battle!!"

K - ꓘ

First rule of fight club ...


Something with her big roo feet? I mean maybe sorta... Go Tex.

Frost Metsu

A lot of gas from the sky..i mean a lot of dodging from tex


Oh, she has... Tex's partner as a hostage, maybe she uses her as a shield, and if Tex "hits" her, Tex gets... crushed by something, or both of them do.


Uhh, I updated the demo last week. If you're talking about when Roxxie will be complete, that'll be a while yet.


The sunset and setting look like a nice badass place for a finale. Whoever succeeds can ride off into the sunset too.


Thanks! Though it'll actually be the sunrise in this case. Tex has been up all night.


Perhaps Roxxie could throw April at Texas in an attempt to knock her down and leave her vulnerable to a follow-up attack. It can also create a window for Texas to attack if Roxxie misses and tries to retrieve the fox. Roxxie could also play dirty by throwing April at the screen to obscure the fight for a few seconds. As for showing off her strength, maybe she can grapple Texas into a bearhug as a counter to the flying kick, squashing and smothering the weasel against her chest.

Zucca Xerfantes

Maybe one move mashes April and Texas together, only for Roxie to make a giant, plus-sixed pair of panties of the combined duo!

Bob Hoskins

Is that the whole game in the distant background? Gold springs, train, smiling jack ranch?


I love that in the background it looks like you've made references to the past three levels with a tiny town, tiny train and I think a tiny ranch in the bottom left?


Just kind of spitballing ideas and I was thinking what about something along the lines of a rope grapple in which Roxxie lassos Texas and pulls her into that fat soft roo rear only to gas our hero hard sending her flying backwards... unfortunately for Texas, she's lassoed good n tight, letting Roxxie tug her back against her ass again and again, each blast sending the sheriff flying, until she's finally tucked away deep between those massive cheeks for The K.O. perhaps involving AV.


Will this next segment include another quick draw like all the other bosses did before things actually got to fisticuffs?


That's quite detailed! I definitely had ideas for a butt-based move dependant on the wall though.


I had something similar in mind, actually! Roxxie using Tex like a paddleball, only the paddle's her ass.

Silent Angel

Any parts that'll have Butterscotch join in?