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Howdy y'all!

So, with the next batch of animations done, it'll be back to a short period of coding for me before we get into the 4th segment of the Butterscotch level. And I just wanted to ask if people are enjoying this idea still? I realise that it is quite different from the other levels, and the animations take me longer due to the extra characters involved so the uploads are less frequent, so I worry that people might be dissatisfied with what they're receiving at the moment and just wanted to check if you are all happy with the current state of affairs/upload rate.

Let me know in the comments if you have any qualms about how things are going or just any questions going forward, and I'll do my best to answer them.

Thanks everyone!




It’s Still a good idea

Jack Hazardous

I'm mostly here to fund the animations, and be able to see them away from my PC. Not to discredit the quality of the game, I just really like the animations.


The game is great, no need to worry brother.

Wylie Copperton

I'm liking it so far! The idea of having a entire different gameplay section sounds great and is a nice change of pace for the rest of the game! kind of like those quick draws! besides, if people don't like it, the animation showcase will be there, right?

K - ꓘ

I'm patient, do what you gotta do, homie. Can't rush quality.


I feel it’s still a great idea, anything with some Texas squashin is great to me :)


probably not the place to ask this and i may have already asked but other than this game and the time travel dino game, do you have any other's to your name?


As good a place as any to ask! And no, sadly not. I started work on a point-and-click adventure game sometime, but dropped that in favour of the Texas game. I might go back to it, but at this point I already have plans for my next game project.


I’m happy with anything you make tho, just don’t over stress yourself 😊

Bob Hoskins

Perfectly happy, neat variety that lends itself well to the story, great animations unique to this scenario including using a horse. Keep it up!

Jomonkey 27

I like the new level personally! It’s a quick break from the beat ‘me up style of the game, and lets face it no western is complete without a horse chase scene.


That's what I was hoping for, to break things up before the final boss, and besides, Roxxie works alone, she wouldn't have goons to be thrown at Texas. Still, it takes a lot longer to animate two horses and two riders than it does a pair of anthro characters.

diamond kitty

Loving it. Take your time! (:


I think this level is a fun addition. You’re doing good work dude!


i think it's good to continue the game and still a good idea.

Marcus Anderson

I'm patient great game but when will roxxie fight come and you should use a anal vore with her and new characters


I already gave my answer vocally. I just think you should go with the one best for you, and since you currently want to do more with this I think you should. If you're worried about things taking time, I am willing to wait to see the version of the game that you wanna put out. instead of one that compromises something and leaves you uncomfortable.


If my previous answer was vague. I'm suggesting doing the work for the4th part of the stage.


Well, I'll be continuing the game either way, it's more if I continue with this level or cut it short, but people seem happy with how things are going so I think continuing is the way to go!


Roxxie will be after this horse chase sequence, and she may well have an AV attack.


Understood, and appreciated. As I said before, I'm mostly just worried about how long everything takes to animate, but from the responses here it seems people are fine with that, so I think continuing is definitely the move I want to make. Thanks!

Marcy Anderson

I think you're one of the best and I take what I can get when I can get it LOL. Thanks for all the hard work, friendy!

Randolf B

No qualms. Great game and great development over the years!