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Updated the game files with some bug fixes and (very) small quality of life improvements.

VERY IMPORTANTLY, if you could play the pre-update level 3 demo, but are having trouble running this one, please let me know. I've changed to a different vertex buffer method, which may reduce lag and load times, but may also be less compatible with older GPUs (or integrated chipsets, for laptops). So I want to see how much of an issue that might be for people, and which method I want to use going forwards.

Updated Download HERE 


Well, here it is. The level 3 public release of Texas in Trouble. I sincerely hope you all enjoy it, and hope beyond hope that it's not too buggy! But please enjoy yourselves and let me know if there are any issues. I'll be away for a week, but after that it'll be back to work fixing any reported issues, before we move on to level 4, the final level!

Old Download HERE

Here's what's new in this release:

-The entirety of level 3 (obviously).

-Controller support.

-A dodge move for Texas (space on a keyboard or 'A' on a controller).

-Volume controls in the main menu and pause menu.

-Significant health nerf for the cats in level 2.



K - ꓘ

Dodge?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? Texas buffs!!!!

Wylie Copperton

holllly heck this is amazing dude, getting throught level 3 seems slightly tricky at the end but everything feels perfectly balanced. New game over is wonderful too!~ I need to see how the past levels are now, but everything runs smooth like butter....which is odd, swore the last demo had some troubles with that.


Ive tried the level a few times, feels like its much harder than before, dont know if that was intended


Ah man, you removed the ammo cheat xD I struggle with the combat, frantically trying to avoid being squished while also trying to deal some damage. I think the dodge is a bit bugged. Found myself spamming spacebar to try and get away from imminent death. But it would not work while being stunlocked. It is however, the fastest way to get from one end of the screen to the other. Since sprinting only gives me a tiny bit of space to make use of the lasso.

Jomonkey 27

Nice!! Long time coming, excited to play

Bob Hoskins

Really fantastic, thanks for all the excellent hard work! Fun to play, and I love the quick draw game over in particular!


So wow. Game is a lot harder with the grapples in place. Wanted to note two big bugs, one of which made me lose the game. If you're pressing the attack key while in your flattened state after Caramel's, when you come out of it, Tex will freeze in place until she's attacked again. The second major bug was after Caramel and her rider do their one hit KO charge attack, Caramel should be open for a behind lasso to knock her over. However when I lassoed her a split second after she stopped her attack, Caramel turned right around and flattened me with the death move. Idk if it can be repeated, because I switched to using my fists to punch Caramel down, but that's a major bug. Overall though, I really did like this installment.


Thanks! The two big bunnies at the end are certainly the most difficult part, but I'm glad it seems balanced aside from that. Though what do you mean by smooth?


I think personally I find level 2 harder, but the difficulty shouldn't have increased that much.


Thanks! Those do sound very problematic, but quite easily fixable. I'll sort them out when I get back.


I may well improve the dodge, though I don't want to risk making it too overpowered.


I think it’s harder cause the rabbits have the lassos

Wylie Copperton

It's hard to explain, but the last build felt like it was running a little slow whenever I put the game up to max window size. but seems smooth when I do it this time around. ah well, might just be me thinking things.

Bob Hoskins

Oh man, it’s my favorite so far by far! Texas zoom in reaction, individual animal animations, and jacks final reaction are all just perfect


The cats with guns were easy for me, I think it’s cause other times Texas has more bullets and in level 3 she doesn’t


I like the dodge, but I feel like its really strong right now. I enjoyed doing a run from start to finish without a game over then I went for the new game overs and they are magnificent. ^_^ I'm glad they weren't spoiled.


Interesting! I've had people also saying that the dodge isn't good enough! No accounting for different playstyles though, I guess. Very glad you enjoyed it though!

Monty Snek

Nice! Can't wait to see how lvl 4 will turn out. Bet Roxxie's animations will be brutal!


That was an amazing experience! Thank you and well done for this amazing game! So much innovativity in there, and so many surprises! The double grabs were definitely the highlight for me! ^ _ ^ As for the last stage, it was definitely way too hard. I tried my utmost for a long time and the double bunnies just don't care, so I had to stop to tamper my frustration.


Please return the ammo exploit even as an optional thing, I simply cant play it without it I just wanna see the death animations and get to the new boss but I'm really having trouble without the exploit.


Maybe have an "Easy Mode" or a "Horny Mode" that allows the exploit although I have no idea how much work that would entail.

Aiden Olney

when I played the game through again I saw two Easter egg 1. Blackwind Barbara 2. jiggly. But when I lost the stage 2 shooting phase I didn't see Blackwind in the gameover countdown. I think you missed that part or it's a lot of re-coding.

Ivan Tejeda

is there a reason why everything is white boxes? am i missing something? Update: this crashed my pc :(. Wont work for me unfortunately.


Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you running it on an older laptop? The game can be quite a resource hog. It's something I want to fix for the final release though.

Ivan Tejeda

It looks like it’s my laptops specs, it’s not an old one but rather a smaller less powerful one