Texas Game Level 3 BASIC Demo (Patreon)
This here is the first demo for level 3. It has all of the basic functionality I want for the enemies included, and sums up how I want the level to run. What it does not have are any grabs (well, it has two, but they're special exceptions), nor any quickdraw or bossfight. Once you reach the large barn, that's it.
Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or issues with this level. While I have sent it to my bug testers and fixed some things in accordance with their feedback, there's always things we miss.
Aside from that, please enjoy the game, and if you tune in to my stream on Friday, get ready to see some actual squashing animations for once!
Thanks everyone
(P.S. Dev cheats are enabled. Press Ctrl for full ammo, F1 to go back a level, F2 to go forward, and F3 to restart the level. Please only use these in the actual levels. Using them in the main menu or on the game over screens could make the game freak out.)