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This post will contain spoilers for level 3, as it is partially discussing my ideas for the boss fight. If you would prefer for that to be a surprise, please do not read further.

Hey everyone,

I've reached a bit of a dilemma which I would like to hear your opinions on. Currently, my plan is to have the cow-riding bunny be the third enemy for level 3, along with the normal bunnies and the pigs. However, the boss of the level will also be a cow (a much, much larger one), and it feels a bit redundant to have two cow enemies in the same level. What I could do is instead replace the cow riders with anthro, BBW rabbits as the third enemy, and roll my ideas for the cow enemies into the boss fight (though I would have to scrap a few of them).

However, this would undermine the main idea for this level, that being that it mostly has feral enemies to mix things up a bit, and mean I'd have to scrap the cow sprite and draw a new enemy (that isn't really much of a hardship), though I could possibly recycle the cows into environmental hazards instead.

In any case, I would like to hear your opinions both in the poll and in the comments below, though I cannot guarantee that the results will be binding.





I have a bias for wanting to see a bbw bunny. I'm sure you can make either idea works but I'll throw my two cents in for my preference.


I think cows and then a much larger cow works just fine.


Part of my hesitance to go bunny is that I feel like I'm running a little low on anthro squashing ideas. That being said, I did just have an idea for how to end a small bunny/BBW bunny animation...

Procrastinator Brad

could possibly go with a farm dog type enemy instead

Bob Hoskins

I think it’s the combo of the bunny on a cow that makes me want to keep the cow, if the boss is just a cow with no rider, you’d lose the team up by dumping the third enemy; If the boss is ON a cow, then yeah it may be a little redundant having two sets of cow stead...still though even in that case, you get the team up with other enemies, which the boss wouldn’t have I presume. Overall, I’d keep the cow enemy I think .


Is the plan for it to be just the big cow, or the cow and someone alongside them, kinda like the level 2 boss?


Could always throw in a horse instead of cows. I mean, it would fit in with a pig and a cow, like a running bit of mostly farm animal enemies.


Cows as stand-alone and mounted enemy of regular bunnies, Bulls as a stand-alone and a mounted enemy for BBW Rabbits, and they both have grab animations for paired and standalone of each other because you have to rope the bunny off of the cow first to even start the fight with each. but the bull and the bbw bunny both need to be roped so the bbw falls off and then you can fight them both. Now that I think about it it seems like a lot of effort but up to you that's just something that immediately came to mind.

Bob Hoskins

Plus I love seeing the smaller enemies get more screen time, as they always have to have particularly inventive ways of subduing Tex


Possible, but they'd probably be the medium enemy, in which case the pig would be the large enemy for the level.


bull. some extra moves, mostly recycles


A BBW Bunny sounds awesome. Bit it seems majority want you to keep the cow


Looks like BBW Bunnies are gonna win! Will be definitely exciting to see what you come up with!


I personaly think you xan have the cow enemy and have the cow boss and it will be all good. The cow rider is interesting as it adds a feral creature to the game, so far everything has been anthro so it would add some nice diversity and gives you room to work with new ideas in the future. I feel replacing it with a BBW rabbit just at the end of the day becomes just another BBW enemy. I don't think you should restrict yourself based on doing a species again, if you have an enemy that is anthro and one that is feral of the same species they are still completely different in context and function. I can see a majority of people wnat the BBW rabbit but I really think as you said it would go against what you are going for, and I remember talking to you about the idea of someone riding a giant feral horse and would be a shame for that idea to also be second guessed solely because theres an anthro horse in the game. Sorry for a long post but I think feral enemies, especially an anthro riding a feral gives some potential for interesting mechanics and diversity, otherwise every level will just be "heres the normal sized anthro, heres the bigger one, and heres the really big one"

Zad zaqd

Skinny Bunny !