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Hey everyone,

With the pig/Zirona animation done, that marks the last of the fetish moves for this bossfight, and and end to the animation that I need to do. All that I need to do now is start assembling it all: coding the grabs into the game, adding sound effects, animating (ok, there's some animation left) the cutscenes, and a few other miscellanious bits and pieces. However, we are on the end stretch now, and though I'm loathe to put a time frame on it, it could be a matter of weeks before the second level is ready for release.

However, it is also worth noting that I've just managed to get a job in real life, and while it should only be for a month or so, it may interfere with my streaming schedule. I don't know what my shifts are like yet, so I can't say anything definite, but I intend to keep Wednesday as a definite stream day, then fit other streams around my shifts as I go. We'll have to see how that works.

Lastly, with the animations finished, I will instead be uploading the animations from level 2 from now until I begin work on the level 3 animations. In order to continue uploading animations consistently however, as they are now a finite resource, I will be uploading one animation a week, with the initial pieces on Monday, the mid pieces on Wednesday, and the end pieces on Friday.

Hopefully this is an acceptable upload rate going forwards, but please let me know if you have any concerns, and again, thank you all so much for your support.



Nick Davis

Good luck!


Hah , good luck man ! Not going to spoil all the unique grab animations here right ? That way theres a few animations to look forward too !


There will be content in the game that does not appear on Patreon, but I don't intend to hold any animations back from here.


Congrats on that status dood! Work at whatever pace you can I'll support this project.

Bob Hoskins

Great job on completing a Herculean number of animations, with incredible quality too! Excited to see some red hot coding too!

Bob Hoskins

One request: if it’s the double Elephant grab, could you post all 3 in one day, since we’ve seen a good chunk of it in your DA page already?