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Hi everyone! 

Sorry for the late and not very big update, couldn't do as much as usual since I'm abroad :,) Still, there are quite a few interesting things that happened during the month, so lets jump right into it!


Level design:

  • New location - A new villa area! Chiro is getting closer and closer to the train station and the big city!

  • Minor changes to beach location - Laid out the base for the changing scene, we'll have it properly sketched out by the next update. Added a small dialogue to the first croc encounter, to introduce him in a similar manner to Wolfie. There is also a little area where you can encounter a new bunny enemy.


  • New enemy concept - Speaking of new bunny enemy, also known as Bibi, here is her character sheet...

  • Animations - Her AI is ironically still a WIP, but animations are mostly complete! By the next update we'll have them polished and finish her as a proper enemy.

  • Crocodilf sex scene completed - Its here!!!

  • Fryman bj progress - Progress on the Fryman BJ scene! Not in game just yet but I'll spoil a bit anyway

Fixed Issues:

  • Gallery bug - Some of you had issues with the gallery, when selecting an enemy the animation wouldn't play, happened especially often to Wolfie but now it seems like it works as intended.

  • Less buggy horny water - Made horny water a lot less buggy!

Known Issues:

  • Controls bug - Sometimes after Chiro gets knocked down  by an enemy and then stands up, the controls bug and she keeps running in one direction. For now I've had a hard time replicating it, but I'm planning to fully fix the issue in the next update.


  • OST - Our soundtrack artist released the tracks from the game, make sure to check it out!!! (Album cover made by anci)

Itch.io page: https://cumbusters.itch.io/gamer-struggles-ost

Youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd_p3O7c5aYR-LXyEDwo0gW5Gh8VgQbEG

Big thanks for the support, download links below!





lets GOOO