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Part of this Commission - Future Gohan X Future Bulma - Ds179 - COMPLETE

(Before I get started, IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to check your online bank details connected to patreon to make sure you haven't gotten any errors in payment towards your subscriptions. At the end of last month patreon sent out a mass email to creators of a problem with one of the banks they are tied with that many patrons may be connected to (not sure which), and a lot of patrons missed out on content by creators earlier this month due to their payments not going through. Not sure if this issue has been resolved or not, so just a heads up.)

Man. It took me long enough, but I finally managed to get this doujinshi done. And what a project it was. To date, it may be the longest doujinshi I've written, though I could be wrong.

Nevertheless, I was adament about making this commission a comic that was part of my fan comic's timeline, considering how important Golden Age is to me as a whole, which is one of the reasons I put this one off for so long. Other reasons include: over-extending myself, over-burdening myself (which I currently am), burn out, and work.

Now once I get the BONUS PAGES fully completed over the next couple of days, I will be able to re-open commissions for 2023 for a PARTIAL OPENING. Meaning I will still have a handful of other 2022 projects to complete at my own leisure, but accept some new ones from followers subscribed to me patreon who are dying to get some work done by me.

So far I've had a few drop outs, yet also a list of people who are requesting work from me.

I'll get into the details soon. But for now, keep an eye open for my uploads and updates.

Link to current remaining commissions from 2022 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/commissions-2022-86879199




Definitely the hottest 🙏🙏


Everything all good here writer just got notification on my email that transaction went smooth


Again thank you so much for doing this commission. This was a treat to read through and the wait was totally worth it! Thank you so much!


😌 thanks for that last page Write


One thing just occurred to me. Why didn't Trunks in the Dragonball Super anime or manga ask the Supreme Kai and Kibito to take him to Namek to try wishing the Z-fighters back to life? He was obviously travelling to and from Otherworld and training with the Z-Sword in preparation for Majin Buu, and it's not like they wouldn't have kept their bodies after death. Not to mention the Supreme Kai should know where New Namek is or be able to ask King kai where it is. Unless Dragonball Super retconned that route in order to have the convenient excuse to write the contrived and plot-hole riddled Goku Black Arc.


As a future Gohan/Bulma shipper, this was a joy to read! Looking forward to the extra pages. Fingers crossed for babies!

Chris Cannon

Woo! Back from vacation and ready to marathon! Like the others said, one of you best works. I really want to call it “THE best”, but I can’t just yet, at least not until your upcoming Chi-Chi comic gets released. My favorite part was ending, I’m glad this is canon and hope you do more side stories like this. Also, you just can’t help but bully Zamasu each chance you get…Don’t stop, it’s immensely satisfying.


So glad to have you back and reading through the work you missed on. Happy you enjoyed this instalment. I'll be sure to try to do more side stories later on, like Videls first time, Zangyas first time, and Gohans first time... officially Canon stories of course.