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An artwork inspired by Akira Toriyama's other wonderful metal arts, we have our best highschool girlfriends atop Videl's awesome bike, ready to head out on a date.



Key JX

Gohan: Got room for one more. Erasa: Yeah! Sit behind me lol (well I know how this gonna end) Videl: "Shit she could have drive, dame it...all well hope Gohan still have more juice for me too" Yeah Gohan hop on.


Looking good girls! 😁👍

Julian Fratzscher

And later they both are riding Gohan the two seater.


He’s got good motor vehicle design I’ll give em that much, Videl has good tastes in bikes..…a date between Videl and Erasa….. 😈 I’d love to see Videl thirsting for our hot blond Erasa


Awesome pigtails Videl is nice also Erasa looking fine. Had been out sick for someday so it was nice seeing all the updates I missed today.