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Another SPOILER, though at this point you guys know the drill.

I saw the new Dragonball Super Hero movie recently. Despite having my expectations rock bottom, I was surprised to find out the movie didn't piss me off as much as I was expecting... for the most part.

First, the good of the movie:

-The concept behind the movie and the villain plotline was fine and had a lot of great ideas, and worked quite well for the story they had. In fact, it worked just fine with the tone and overall story, which was a mishmash of both classic DB and DBZ.

-Having Piccolo be the main lead was a refreshing breath of air, and Gohan also being included alongside Pan with daddy Piccolo made for one of the best dynamics I'd seen in DBZ played out for all of them. In fact, the movie was at its best when either Piccolo or Pan and/or Piccolo and Gohan were in the same scenes together. It was glorious.

-Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 were actually very good characters, and I really liked them at the end.

-The villains were fine, though Magenta is a bit derivative. I also liked Dr. Hedo for how he was presented.

-Pan was freaking adorable, and her teacher is also very... attractive, if I may frame her delicately. Seeing Piccolo interact with normal humans was also hysterical and I loved it.

-The 3D wasn't awful. It was good, though I still hate seeing my anime in 3D.

-The pacing was good in the first part, was very shonky and rushed in the middle, but the climax was solid.

-Vegeta finally getting the win

-Gohan and Piccolo's new forms were admittedly okay to great... but the 3D definitely makes them a lot worse than they could be in 2D.

Now for the bad:

-This may contradict my last statement, but Gohan's Beast Form's hair was ridiculous in those last frames. His hair looked like blades for crying out loud, like he had a pinecone growing out of his skull. (plus, all these excessive hair colour changing forms with very small changes in design between each one is really starting to anger me. I hated Super Saiyan God when it was first introduced and I still hate it now, and this applies to ALL the God forms we've seen in Super thus far, with the exception of Broly's LGSS form, since we're already familiar with it from a previous movie)

-The whole Beerus being attracted to Cheelai is very creepy (a million plus year old God making pervy glances at her is just... wrong to me... and was also super cringe when the scene played. You know which scene I'm talking about.) It was very out of character and out of nowhere for Beerus

-Also, on that same note, is anyone else finding Whis's attitude and character insufferable at this point? It was cute to start with, but now it's really starting to grate whenever he's on screen and making 4th wall breaking remarks

-The excessive groin and ass shots were very distracting. I think the creators were making use of the 3D for this kind of slapstick humor, but I still hate it.

-The implication that Red and Colonel Violet had a kid is just... wrong and terrible conceptually, and a horrible abuse of employer-employee relationships in a workplace.

-The fact we never see adult or older teen Gotenks in a perfectly executed fusion is a missed opportunity

-The movie is in 3D, and though it was good, I still hate 3D.

-I'm sure there is more to add to this list, but the biggest, worst, and most awful thing in this entire movie, without question, is obviously Cell Max. Because MY. GOD. This guy is supposed to be the perfected, ultimate, and evolved version of the original Perfect Cell, right? But even though it is implied that he was at his peak when unleashed (minus the mind control), he was completely devoid of character, devoid of practical utility and function, and his design was just absolutely horrific. I get it, he's a mishmash of his Imperfect, Semi Perfect, and Perfect forms put together into one form, and made excessively big to compensate. But not only was this a terrible design call, the creators missed the entire point of what made Cell one of the best villains to begin with. When operating, the original Cell was mysterious, powerful, but also scary, because not only did he eat people and could hide his ki, but he was also made up of the DNA of ALL the known heroes and past villains, meaning he could pull out any trick from his hat and you never know what to expect from him, or what kind of modified abilities he might also have hidden away (case in point, his continuous power ups throughout the fight with Goku, plus he could use normally debilitating abilities without any loss in stamina or consequence. He could even use multi-form with each copy being the same strength as the original). Cell Max was supposed to be a beefed up Perfect Cell, right? So WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T HE EXHIBIT ANY OF THE ABILITIES THE ORIGINAL CELL HAD? No intelligence. None of the copied abilities of the Z-fighters, except for perhaps one. No strategy. No cunning. No smugness. NOTHING! The guy was just a big, hulking, monstrous brute, with the only attacks he used consistently were throwing his excessive, fat-ass weight around, the same mouth beam, the same poke-o-dot beams, and the same tail slam.

The original Cell also had durability and regeneration on his side when his durability failed, which made him very difficult to manage. I'm sure the creators saw the problem behind his ability to regenerate and nerfed him in this movie with that obvious weak spot in his head (a neat little call-back to the nucleus inside his head the original Cell had when he blew himself up and used it to save himself), so that the fight didn't drag on too long, but this meant that THIS Cell was less deadly, less dangerous, and more killable than the previous Cell, which is a big shame.

I was hoping the end game villain in the movie would be better- in design, character, ability, AND cool factor, but sadly Cell Max was neither of these things. Plus, his name sucks. Couldn't they choose something better like Omega Cell or Sigma Cell, or Predator Cell, or Kaiju Cell or something?

You know what, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

In improving the movie in Golden Age, here is MY updated Cell and Gohan in the final battle of the movie- only this is Alpha Gohan vs Titan Cell. This Cell uses the same body as Cell Max, only Evil Android 21 secretly "modified" and upgraded him before his full development, making him more powerful, more intelligent, and more deadly than Cell Max, as you can tell from his design alone. His horns are replaced with Kabuto Horns, the legendary beetle from the Japanese islands, and his wings are replaced with a long tail that can extend, has a blade on the end, with the blade itself being able to be fired from the tip and replaced with a new type of end.

Gohan is also fighting alongside Zangya and Videl. Though Pan and Kida wouldn't be sitting on his shoulders in the actual fight (probably not), but I thought it'd look cool to see the two girls with their father.

Hope you guys like this improved concept and setup for my version of the movie in the Golden Age timeline.




😆 OHHH MYYYY GOOOOD YEEEEESSS!!!! The RIGHT in TheWriteFiction!!!!! STRIKES AGAIN!!! 🤪😜😆🥳🤩😝🤪🤗😛😁😁😁😁


😉 You’ve done it again Write my good friend! I knew you could remedy such a travesty such as that sorry excuse of a Biomechanical android


A few things regarding Cell Max. First, it was explicitly not complete. There was a whole scene where Magenta got pissed at Dr. Hedo for focusing on Gammas One and Two instead of finishing it. Second, Dr. Hedo said that he knew the Red Ribbon army were secretly bad guys. That's why he built in a weak point: he was deliberately making it possible for Gammas One and two to beat it in a fight if he got confirmation. As such, it stands to reason that he didn't include regeneration on purpose. It's why he got excited when Gohan transformed: up until that point, he was convinced that the Red Ribbon Army was bullshitting him, and was just going along with it for funding while setting up Gammas One and Two (and however many more he could squeeze out before Magenta stopped cooperating) to stop them once he got confirmation of his suspicions. If he had actually been convinced Capsule Corp were supervillains hosting aliens bent on taking over the world, Cell Max would have been a much bigger threat. That said, a complete, perfected Cell Max would have been a thing to see.


Yeah, I got all that from the movie. Though Cell Max was close to being at full power when he was released, even stated by the writers of the film. Though the explanation in the movie for his weak spot in the head works conceptually, I suspect it was also retroactively included because the writers of Super Hero didn't want the battle dragging out, since an excessively regenerating villain can make a final battle WAAAAAAAAY too long. I mean, look at the Cell, Buu, Goku Black and Baby Sagas? They went on for ages, solely because the villains just wouldn't die, no matter what you did to them. The writers were self-aware of this and organically engineered this Cell's weakness in the story, which makes sense, but also sticks out like a sore thumb as being something so deliberately done on purpose.


agreed dude cell max is such a failure and also the advertising of this movie was bad as well. The movie should have just focused on Cell coming back and really amping that up not the super hero crap.


I'm just not interested in seeing the movie. More power to those who like it, but to me it just reeks of cheap nostalgia bait from a mangaka who is way past his prime and doesn't really care any more.


I always found Rhinoceros Beetle Horn Patterns Fascinating, Titan Cell’s horn looks similar to the Golofa Species Horn


Very much so. I was thinking Japanese species, though it's hard to reflect in a design for a humanoid character, without it looking odd.