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I wanted to take this short opportunity to try something a little bit different from my usual anime/manga focus.

For all those wondering why I love drawing girls in string bikinis, thongs and very revealing clothing (aside from obvious perverted reasons normal for all teenagers and humans of both genders and no standards), is due to characters like Teegra from the classic animated film Fire and Ice from 1983.

For all those wondering who she is, she is one of the two main leads in the movie, a Princess from a kingdom at war with another being led by the villain Necron (flipping awesome name BTW). The entire story is set in an archaic, prehistoric period, where dinosaurs, magic and cavemen from the stone age all mesh together into this weird, fantastical, yet glorious, Conan-the-Barbarian-esque world of chaos and mayhem at the dawn of civilization.

In simple words, this film is one of my guilty pleasures and all time favourite flicks, and was one of the first movies where I fell in love with a cartoon babe, that being Teegra. And it's not hard to see why. Since it's the stone age, she wears basically next to nothing but a silk thong, and is a character that you will never ever see repurposed in today's main media.

The film itself, while strange and rough around the edges, still holds an aesthetic that really strikes the artist within me. The characters are also created using the old-fashioned rotoscope technique, where actors and actresses are used as actual models for the characters and the action that take place. So in terms of realism, even though they are animated, they are literally as realistic as they come, since they use actual human actions and body movements in the frames.

If you want to check out the movie, follow the link below. There are no existing copies that I can find of it down here in Australia, so I had to import the damn thing or watch it on Youtube.


I also drew this character as inspiration from work being done by a glorious and dedicated fan named Bloody Axe2, who is redoing the ENTIRE MOVIE in his spare time with Teegra being topless after having her clothes ripped off by some of the henchmen, and is basically going topless the entire film from there. I recommend checking out what he has done, as clips can be found of his progress on youtube. Link below:


I honestly hope he gets it done soon. By my understanding, he's been working on it for a few years now, and based on his efforts so far, I've gotten to the point where I will seriously do unspeakable, inhuman acts just to see his project completed (if not, I'll pay the man myself if I have to, though I can't since he has no other accounts, lol).




Nice. Really nice. I remember this movie. I watched it several years ago, it’s an old movie, but pretty good. Teegra was undoubtedly my favorite part though. So beautiful and sexy. 😍👍


I just finished watching Fire & Ice and it was just as you described Very “Conan the Barbarian Esque” Storyline, which is kinda funny cause Both of the Screenplay Writers Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas had Written Conan Stories for Marvel Comics. The animation reminds me a little of the Animated version of The Lord of the Rings (in 1978) so I thoroughly enjoyed it and owe Thanks to it for giving you your love of drawing String Bikini’s 😏, Thong’s😏😏, and Revealing Clothing😏😏😎


my first Cartoon Babe I fell in love with was Jessica Rabbit, I was five years old and it was 7 years after Who Framed Roger Rabbit was made, I was still learning what cartoons meant to me and at age 13 I realized my unnoticed attraction towards her leading to my Fascination/Attraction towards adult comics and Animation😎😎😎😎😎


Also Australia huh? That’s cool, I’m From Jersey myself

Dean Zamp

Hey so Jersey as in New Jersey right? Also was fairly certain and could have bet that Write was Australian like myself but this confirms it.


Yeah that’s right…😏heh, I honestly wouldn’t have guessed they or you for that matter live in Australia I always hear it’s beautiful there as equally dangerous in some parts. But that never mattered to me Dean Buddy Writes work stems straight from their heart no matter where they come from so long as they keep their Heart into what they love to do on their free time that’s all I care about


And it’s a great pleasure making new friends on the same Earth with all of you 🌍 🌎 🌏