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To all those wondering how this portion occurs in Golden Age, it happens at exactly the same time the Intergalactic Martial Arts Tournament during the Bojack Arc.

While Gohan and the others are competing in the tournament, getting ready for the finals, and preparing to take on Bojack when he invades, across Universe 7, the remnants of the Freeza Force and Planet Trade Organisation are attempting to run damage control to their crumbling grip on their part of the universe.

With Freeza and King Cold gone, planets under the Empire's control are starting to rebel. Now faced with this crisis, as well as dealing with a civil war between themselves and other factions, a desperate Sorbet is then approached by Berryblue, who offers him a very simple solution.

The return of the formerly exiled Prince Cooler!

Ladies and gentlemen, Cooler is now canon to the Dragonball Z universe (at least mine).




All right! I love stories where Cooler actually gets to do something instead of getting jobbed instantly. Now to wait and see how the Resurrection F arc will play out… if it still plays out at all. I know Cooler is canonically weaker than Frieza outside of Fifth Form, and given how much stronger everyone is in this story, he would last long in an invasion


I almost imagined there'd be some female relative of Freiza (daughter or sister) completely forgetting about Cooler!


How will Myra play a role in this story? She is rather important in your other story when Gohan is taken in by the Special Squadron.


I like that you brought Cooler into Golden age, I really wanted to see more of him…them?…anyway I didn’t know whether or not you were going to include them in golden age from the different titled posts like Alter age so I figured it was an alternate Story From the…….Cannon Age, but now I’m happy to see that you did, I’m interested in how your Myra OC plays into this series (😁 can’t wait for Lucoa either, I love seeing more anthropomorphic Characters )


She'll play more of a side role, not just as a fellow Hera-seijin Zangya can speak with, but also later a mentor to Gohan and Fasha's daughter.


Well I guess this story just got a lot cooler? 😎 ……….. i’m not apologizing.


I love this!