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For all of you who followed me onto patreon from fanfiction.net, you'll notice that I stopped my Golden Age fanfiction immediately after the Bojack Saga and just before the Future Buu Saga/Future Trunks Saga. This page is pretty much going to be in the next chapter I eventually plan to put out for the story, in which it shows how Future Trunks takes Gohan, Piccolo and Zangya to his timeline.

For context this is what happens:

On the day Trunks is set to return to his timeline, Gohan, having been practicing the Instant Transmission technique, offers to come with Trunks to help him locate New Namek so that they can use the Namekian dragon balls to wish back EVERYONE who was killed by the androids in the last thirteen or so years. Naturally after some hesitation Trunks accepts, with Piccolo and Zangya volunteering to come along.

At this stage Zangya has just joined the group. While Gohan trusts her, Piccolo is still suspicious of the Hera and decides to tag along just to keep an extra eye on her to make sure she doesn't do anything underhanded- though Zangya's intentions are pure and curious. In my timeline she is actually a good person, who only pretended to serve Bojack at fear of death and actually had her family slaughtered by him. (For more information, read the fanfic).

Anyhow, this is good motivation for me to eventually get back into writing the fanfic, because I've been dishing out material for my Golden Age story literally several arcs ahead of where I am with it. Reina hasn't even appeared in the written version of my story and I feel I should really get back to it.

Hope you guys like this little comedic spoof. Wish it took place in the actual show. It would've been priceless to see Gohan and co all crammed into Trunks's single seater time machine.




The bottom 3 panels remind me of the one Scene from Captain America Civil war with Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) and Sam Wilson (Falcon) when Bucky asked Sam if he could move his Seat up 🤣