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Since Disney has been annoying me for the last four years with their awful handling of the Star Wars franchise, including but not limited to: medicore and boring storylines (including a two hour chase sequence that was drawn out and made no sense in the Star Wars universe, the resurrection of Palpatine with next to no explanation and his dumb treasure hunting quest, a repeat of the Death Star plot, lack of proper world and character building etc), excessive political pandering and agenda pushing, the elevating of its female characters and the demeaning of its male ones, the horrendous attempts at comedy that fall flat on arrival, and worst of all the handling of Luke Skywalker's character (I could go on)- I'm gonna take a shot at my own take on the Star Wars universe with my OWN story.

The synopsis of this story is simple: After acquiring the Star Compass from Palpatine's observatory on the planet Pillio in the events of Battlefront 2, Luke Skywalker has used it to locate various secret Jedi temples hidden across the galaxy. The bearings from the compass eventually leads him into the Unknown Regions, where a strong call from the Force guides him to the site of an older monastery. Along the way, he gets attacked by an Inquisitor- the First Sister and newly appointed Grand Inquisitor Mara Jade, who has been hunting him in an effort to enact vengeance upon him for the death of the Emperor.

Eventually the pair are forced to join up when an even greater threat prepares to destroy the galaxy. A story with Luke that "never happened", and will eventually decide his destiny and give an explanation as to how he became what he became in The Last Jedi (with an interesting twist at the end).

Hope you all enjoy.

P.S: Because Disney has a thing of cracking down on fan made material, I'm not charging for viewing this comic because this is going to be for my enjoyment and your reading pleasure. A proper story that honours Luke Skywalker after his victory at Endor as we watch him fulfil his destiny as the GREATEST Jedi Master (not Rey Palpatine, God no), as he heads out on a secret quest to save the galaxy. 




Yo question for you ; out of all the Jedi and sith who are your favorites and why ?


I love Luke Skywalker. He was my hero growing up and the legacy he left behind in legends is one that has not been equalled by any other, even in the new canon. I love him as much as I love Gohan because of what he represents and who he was.


I see I am in good company here. Luke is certainly the strongest Jedi to have lived. But my favorite Star Wars characters have to be Obi-Wan and Revan


Revan was cool. Getting his pop vinyl fig when it comes out. As for Obi wan, I love him too. I was so sad when he watched Maul murder Satine in front of him.


this female fool thinks that shes stronger than prime vader. mwahahahaha