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This may come as old news to a lot of people who are close to me, but I spent years trying and failing to come up with an original story that I would eventually be able to publish into a book (partly because of time constraints and mostly because of constant writers block). The comic that I originally started- entitled 'Helix Knights'-  was my first, true original idea that I became passionate about putting onto paper. But after completing only one chapter of the comic, I realised just how much time it would take for me to complete a story of that kind of size and scope (in short, too much time).

Though I intend to finish it one day, I plan on finishing it in written form instead later down the line.

However, even with the comic, I was never able to find a true, original idea that I could transform into written format for publication. I struggled day and night for months. After reading through so many novels for inspiration- the Dune series, the Throne of Glass series, John Carter of Mars, and Timothy Zhan's books- I struggled to come up with an idea that I wanted to commit to. I spent a year trying to form a story, theme and genre that could carry over several chapters, and after many trials and errors, I finally hit it.

I originally began the process by coming up with a story that would fall under the title 'Eyon' and work this title into the story itself- most notably as a setting. I came up with two cover arts on deviantart, but after trying to write the story from various points (a post-apocalyptic earth thrown back to the stone age), I realized the plot didn't grab me as much as I wanted it to and, therefore I concluded, wouldn't grab the audience either. But then I decided to expand it a little and I finally came up with a winning formula- a sci-fi epic like the ones I used to enjoy when I was younger.

The story that I came up with combines a multitude of elements from my favourite sci-fi universes- Star Wars by George Lucas and Dejah Thoris by Edgar Rice Burroughs- with a sprinkling of anime into the mix for good measure. And since I have some fellow patrons to test screen this on, I'm hoping to share the chapters and ideas I've come up with, with you guys.

My first chapter to Eyon Galaxies is nearly finished and I plan on posting it up here- and hopefully the other chapters as well. Like on fanfiction, I seem to be more comfortable posting stuff one chapter at a time, and I'm actually really keen on hearing what you guys have to say about it.

As an added bonus, I've chucked up the cover art I plan on making for the book above. I used the classic Star Wars covers and the Slayers anime movie cover for inspiration to position the characters and form their poses- with their designs based on characters from both Star Wars and Dejah Thoris respectively. Hope you guys like it.



FrankyMan Art

This cover looks really great! Great drawing! ;)

Mr. Ray

I really dig this! Totally rad!


M rate comic ok can't wait


looking forward to it