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And here are tonight's doodles from the stream. (10 hours.. woof. I'm dumb!)

1. Jay and Stootz would like to tell you more about their new religion.
2. Chu cares about you. Drink water!
3. Cinnamon x Vincent
4. Jim x Paris x Chu
5. Marco!
6. Snowy is mean. (and Maz is smelly)
7. Cinnamon jumping rope.. with nude alt possibilities.
8. Licorice's Booby Trap



David Rudisill

1. Preaching to the choir here, fellas! 3. PLEASE continue this one! 4. He doesn't need six pack abs, he's got a pony keg, and the ladies love him! Bless you, Jim! 8. Yes, PLEASE finish this one! Great doodles, Duck!


80s athletic Cinnamon 💜 And there’s Chu, always looking out for ya. Great set!