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As many of you know, this patreon is a WORK IN PROGRESS kinda patreon. Things change. We adapt. It's kind of an experiment to see what works and what doesn't.

So, here are some changes coming up. I know some of you will be upset. I know I will lose some of you, and I'm sorry. Certain tiers aren't working or are in desperate need of an upgrade to be more conducive to my schedule and ability.

If these changes drive you off, I'm sorry to see you go. You can still see the bulk of my work on my tumblr, FA, DA and other sites.

All changes will be put into effect TUESDAY March 22st.


  • The $50 and $30 tier are going away. No more mailed prints. I will still do prints for patreon, once a month, and I will still post the files for download to the $15 tier, but I just can't do the printing and mailing part. It's been a huge hassle. The post office losing mail, being slow, delivering prints folded or bent all comes back to me. I'm tired of being blamed for something I have no control over. If you are still interested in the prints then I reccommend changing your pledge to the $15 tier so that you can get the downloadable file, and participate in the vote.
  • The $20 sketch tier will be raised to $30. Let's face it.. what I do in that tier.. those are NOT sketches. They're fully inked pictures and it's the main reason most people pledge at all. The work load is huge and with a web comic in the wings I need to justify the load. Bumping the price to $30 means I'm getting compensated a more accurate value for the effort. If you were holding onto your credit for next month, but can no longer afford the new price, feel free to send a new note changing your mind. It's OK. (Also I may be upping the number of available slots to accommodate the loss of the $50 tier.)

These changes will NOT effect this month. I will still be sending out the Peppermint print, Eddie n' Becky print and whatever this month's print ends up being. I will probably hold off and send them all at once to avoid multiple trips out to the post office. (I hope that's alright.)

Again, I'm sorry if this is upsetting. I'm expecting a huge drop in support, as I know, to most people it isn't about supporting me or my art, it's about getting stuff cheaply. It's fine.

PLEASE MAKE SURE TO WAIT to change your pledge until AFTER the official changes are made on TUESDAY.

Thank you.



Im behind ya 100%. Heres to the upcoming changes and the start of the comic.


This is all completely reasonable. :0 I'm with you.


Just to be clear, Monday the 21st or Tues the 22?


That's just fine! The changes make sense, though I hope there will be enough $30 sketch slots to accommodate those of us at the current $30 who'd like to shift to that tier!


Yep, I'll stick with it, that's fine. I'm more than happy to chip in more. If I could I'd chip in more than that, would grab commissions and prints from cons or such. As it stands, happy to pledge a little more.


I am planning on attending conventions soon enough and will most certainly have prints n' stuff there.


I was thinking of adding 5 more to make up for the 5 lost due to the $50 going away.


Sounds like a good plan. Was worried you might be burning yourself out with the comic starting up.


With ya all the way


Do what ya need to do, I'm with ya on these new changes. Keep up the good work!


keep it up ducky, still supporting.