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Sorry for the lack of updates and art this week. I've been dealing with a really annoying pain in my thumb-joint every time I draw lately.. and that, plus a serious lack of motivation, has slowed things down. I'm going to try to double down asap to avoid falling even further behind.

Again, sorry.



All good Ducky, physical well being is very important. Make sure to rest up your thumb and hand


Rehab & rest your drawing hand this weekend, take it slow next week, work back into your pace gradually. You've made serious headway over the past several months, from what I've seen -- take advantage of the holiday and rest easy!


Love your art and everything but it's best to recover and be well to avoid even more problems in the future. We'll look forward to more once you're at 100%.


no worries; in the meantime just take it easy and get stuff n' things done at your pace while fixing this issue with your thumb. Sorry for not being vocal much lately, but just wanna say you’ve been doing a fantastic job with all these requests & adoptables, the latter of which I’d love to see more of(perhaps bid on) whenever you’ve got ideas in mind.


I'm sorry things haven't been looking up for you lately. I hope you feel better very soon <3

Jasmine Simone

It's all good man. You got an injury right now that needs some serious rest. Do whatever you can to rest it and improve your thumb's condition. Definitely take the weekend to chill and let your brain reboot as well. We love you, Duck! You got this! 🌟