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Miss Castlerock's bits have never matched, and honestly it's starting to bug me. The problem is, I like both options. Pink is traditional, and stands out well against her dark fur. The gray goes against tradition and makes her kinda unique. It also blends with her dark fur making her orange hair really pop. 

I leave it up to y'all. 



I like the grey bits. A nice contrast to her hair and im a fan of odd colored bits.


As much as I like the pink ears, gotta go with the gray nips amd bits

Jasmine Simone

I genuinely think the grey bits are more fitting for her color palette. While pink does stand out and add a nice contrast, the grey blends well, adds colored bits variety, and also helps make the color of her hair and accessories pop. Overall this is a cute image of Castlerock! Here here to the grey bits!


surprisingly I like the pink more. I feel it helps balance out the amount of contrast over her whole body as opposed to just her hair. When I look at the the gray I just feel it's too much dark and not enough light. But so far it seems everyone likes the gray so oh well, mine's a minority vote. XD


I like the idea of going against traditional means. The grey bits still stand out and adds to making her hair color pop more


I'm not really a fan of using all greys, everything just blends in and just looks too dark.


I think only the nips and ears should be gray.


Pink gets my vote. I like how it stands out against her gray fur,