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Soooo yeah, I thought I was almost done, then at the last minute I got a handful of last minute notes. So it's gonna take a tiny bit longer. I'm not mad, but it is a bit of a kick in the pants.

Worry not. I will catch up, somehow. I will get everyone their art. 

Honestly, I kinda wish I could afford to pause the patreon for a month. Might have to look into that.

Again, sorry to all those waiting, I know excuses are just that, excuses. I'm trying to get things done ASAP without sacrificing too much quality (or my own sanity) Thank you for sticking around.

Oh and if it's too much of a wait, feel free to lower your pledge for a bit. It's OK to duck out n' wait til things are back up to snuff. I get it. You gotta look after you.



Just to make sure I'm clear: the next private message you send out will be for rewards up to (and including) Feb '18? Thanks!