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Just wanted to keep you all up to speed on what's goin on. Here are some bullet points.

- I'm almost done with the current batch of rewards. Got about 4 more to go, I think.

- After that I'll send out the notes for the next load. These will be the last ones before the price change/new system, so you'll wanna use up all your credits. 

- I may have to go flat colors on these because holy crap I've been going overboard on this run and even tho they look shiny n' chrome they are WORK! I hope everyone's OK with that. 

- I've got Bronycon in Baltimore comin' up in late July so expect some merch being worked on in stream along side the rewards. I'm gonna try to make acrylic standees and stuff. (You know you want a Cinnamon standee.)

That's about it, y'all. Other then that it's just stream stream stream work work work. Forever trying to catch up. I'm lucky you all stick with me here, no lie, thank you for that. 

How're you all doing? Enjoying this gross heat and pollen?




Hey, yeah, I was meaning to ask, what happened to the wagglescomic tumblr? Is that shelved for the time being?


Fair enough. Is it still something you're thinking of doing someday?


I've been digging through, what's the upcoming price change? Last news I could find was when the $30 tier went away