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Let's try something different this time, feel free to post any suggestion for a story you'd like to read here in the comments, then I'll make a poll and the most voted one will become a full story!


aki hershey

I want to read about a white diva who becomes a Korean lacking musical and English talent, becomes part of a group that sings vulgar and boring Kpop that desecrates music, and marries an unattractive Korean producer.


How about an uppity hotel heiress that disrespects the cleaning staff at her hotel and finds a maids uniform in her room that she's compelled to out on everyday and slowly finds her self becoming a non English speaking latina maid


how about a customer that goes to the hairdresser, e.g. once every 2 weeks, and slowly gets changed there without her initially realizing it


Not sure if you are still taking these suggestions, but would love to see, perhaps, a white journalist trapped in Afghanistan when the Taliban took over (as really happened) who is then turned into a local girl, perhaps? Or a white girl decides to go to Iran, after it reopens to foreign tourists, only to become a local and never leave again..? Something like that, anyway, maybe!


I was thinking about a story set in Afghanistan some months ago, something about those lines indeed!