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Men-at-Arms Rewards

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Hey everyone! Let me present to you the Swamp Tower, the first map for the Haunted Swamps theme.

Long ago the Silver Watch protected the Swamps from lycanthropes. The knightly order ended fell many centuries ago, but the ruins of of their castles and towers can still be found throughout the region.

Lycanthropes, or werewolves, can be found all throughout the kingdom, but nowhere are they as much a plague as in the The Swamps. They are so numerous and such a threat that many centuries ago a knightly order  was founded with the sole purpose or hunting down these monsters: the Silver Watch. 

For over 200 years the Silver Watch protected the swamps from werewolves. When the Grand Masters started searching for a cure they were deceived by swamp witches to attempt to use blood magic to find a cure. Not long after the order had fallen. Still, local peasant dedicate their lives to the cause and hunt down werewolves when they get the chance. They still call themselves the Silver Watch.

Before the war the Silver Watch consisted of over two hundred men, stationed in various camps and castles throughout the swamps. They used to lead expeditions into the forests, hunting down and killing the werewolves. The creatures remained a plague, but they were managed.

When the war took a turn for the worse the king called upon these men to fight in the south, leaving the lycanthrope population unchecked for years. Now the Silver Watch is no more than a two dozen local peasants and a handful of men-at-arms, and the werewolves are thriving.

Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.



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