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Hey everyone! Let me present to you the Hollow Tree Village, a free map from the Daniel's Maps Backlog

The Feylin Forest is home to all sorts of creatures. Sometimes people of Rasfadal venture to deep in the forest and are forever lost. Over time the forest changes these people, making them into something else. When these people find each other they stick together, forming cozy homesteads where they will forever remain.

The magical energies that seep into the world from the darkest depths of large forests have a tendency to alter the world around them. This process is slow and subtle and is hardly noticeable in the civilized world. People living on the border of civilization usually experience little more that increase body hair, more sensitive smell or keener eyesight.

When people get lost in magical places for extended periods of time their bodies start to alter much more significantly. After years they may have changed entirely into creatures that other people would consider Faeries. True faeries however, perceive this once-humans as they originally were, and will not accept them, leaving these changed beings to dwell between world forever.



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