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Hey everyone! Let me present to you the Ruined Church, the first map for the Ruins & Relics theme.

Nestled within the heart of Wordal, the ruins of the Burbric Empire and scattered remnants across the continent are poignant relics of a bygone era, bearing witness to a world forever changed by the Fall of Parretoa. This cataclysmic event, cloaking the globe in darkness for over a century, led to the abandonment of once-thriving lands as survivors sought solace in remote communities. The Burbric Empire, once a formidable and expansive dominion, crumbled at its fringes, leaving behind desolation and hollow remnants.

As the darkness relinquished its grip, the empire reclaimed much of its lost territories. Yet, in the recesses of Wordal, certain places were forsaken, left to the relentless passage of time. These forsaken corners now stand as haunting ruins, where solitary structures such as churches and towers stand as sentinels to the empire's faded grandeur. Weathered by the elements and veiled by nature's embrace, these ruins serve as silent narrators of the empire's rise, fall, and the inexorable march of time, casting a melancholic shadow across the continent's landscape.

Amidst this desolation, a poignant testament to forgotten faith endures—a collapsed church, once a beacon of devotion, now a relic of former piety. This sacred structure, once the heart of a tranquil cloister, now succumbs to the unforgiving hands of time.

Within its dilapidated walls, a grand chamber for prayer, adorned with faded frescoes, once echoed with fervent supplications. An adjacent room, where sacred ceremonies were celebrated, stands as a silent witness to past rituals. Rows of sleeping quarters, now entwined with ivy, once cradled the devoted clergy. Today, this once-revered house of worship lies in ruins, its walls crumbling, its roof a distant memory. Nature, in its reclamation, has tenderly softened its stones, transforming it into a poignant testament to a faith and an empire forever etched in the annals of Wordal's forsaken landscapes.

Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.



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