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Hey everyone! Let me present to you the Deen's Delicious Diner, Inn & Tavern, a Free map from the Daniel's Maps backlog..

There are many shops, stalls and and taverns along Mayne Street in Twyrif, and you can spend a good day going through all of them. One of taverns that the town is known for is "Deen's Delicious Diner, Inn & Tavern".

Deen's Delicious Diner is known for its awful meals. The bread is hard and dry, and the meat is like chewing on leather. Something that is good about the tavern is the ale. What the tavern lacks in food it makes up for in drinks

In addition to that there are several beds available Deen's Delicious Diner. The rooms range from large shared rooms with beds lined up, to luxurious rooms with a dedicated sleeping and sitting area, including a warm fire.

Room 6 is one of the simpler rooms It contains two beds and a desk. What special about this room is the ladder leading up to the tower. The hatch to the tower is always locked, and most people don't bother breaking it open, but the ones that do tell varying stories.

Some say that the tower contains beautiful items and feel a strong presence with them when they enter the tower. Others say it's just an empty room with some chests and barrels.

Anyways, that doesn't matter, because, even if you ended up in Room 6, you wouldn't break that lock. Or would you?

Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.



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