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Hey everyone! Let me present to you Goblin Lair, a the first map for the Camps & Lairs theme.

When the old dwarven kingdoms fell many centuries ago they left great undercities and fortresses. Most of these were claimed by the dragonborn, but the deepest dungeons and caves became home to sneaky goblins.

Most of the dragonborn clans settled in the ruins outer cities of the old dwarven holds, using the undercities as storage. They don't like to go too deep underground, and prefer to dwell on the mountains, rather than under them.

On the contrary, goblins like to stay out of sight, and took to these deep places. They went past the old dwarven homes and halls, into the deepest mines and beyond. The prey on cavern crawlers from the mountains, the occasional lost adventurer and, sometimes, horrible creatures from the Underdark. Through narrow tunnels, too small for humanoids to fit, they found ways to leave the mountains and harass the wildlife and people in the forests on the mountains' foothills.

Still, they spend most of their time underground in open caves. There they have made homes, fortified by makeshift palisades and gates, or simply wooden stakes to hinder larger intruders. Their "rooms" are connected by platforms and rickety bridges that span unfathomable depths.

The halls and passageways are littered with crates and barrels filled with trinkets, or at least what the goblins consider to be trinkets. Some contain little more than shiny rocks, or animal bones.

Most goblin tribes are ruled by a King, which is usually the largest or strongest of the group, but sometimes the smartest or wisest. These kings are honoured in the largest rooms and seated on thrones of bones, or other trinkets.

 Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.



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