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Hey everyone! Let me present to you the Shipwreck Beach, a free map from the Daniel's Maps backlog, with an added variant for this month's theme.

Every adventuring party that sets out to sea eventually gets stranded. 

"You wake up as you feel a cold breeze on your face. Not a cool, refreshing one. No, this one chills you to the bone.

Where are you?

You try to open your eyes, but you're too tired. As you try to recall what happened, the events come back to you. You were on the ship with the crew as a storm came up without warning. It started tearing the ship apart.

Or wait...

That wasn't the storm. That was something else.

Finally, you manage to open your eyes. You're on a beach. As you look around you see the wreckage of your ship, but no other survivor's. It doesn't make sense. You can't be the only one that washed up on the shore. They can't all be gone.

After taking a few steps you see a bridge. And a path leading up the side of the cliffs. Could they have gone that way?"

 Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license. 



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