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Hey everyone! Let me present to you the Merchant Ship, a free map from the Daniel's Maps Backlog.

For centuries the merchants from Callaern have sailed and set up trade posts all around the continent. Merchant houses have grown in power and compete with each other, constantly working overpower others' trade fleets. 

Callaern trade fleets consist of many different ship types. Most merchant fleets have at least a number sloops, schooners and brigs, and some of the richer houses could even afford large warships, equipped with several ballistae to protect their trade posts and fleets. One of the most common types of ships is the Callaern Brig, a medium sized vessel. It was fast and well sailing which made it a favorite of many captains.

While many ships are capable of sailing on the open seas this is not a common practice; giant monsters lurk in the depths beneath the waves, and few captains would risk running into one. As a rule of thumb sailers prefer to sail no more than a days worth from the coast. 

Recently a route was found across the Western Sea to a new unexplored continent and it's relatively safe. But only relatively. Many captains have already been lost in an attempt to find this new land.

Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.



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