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Aaand it's done! Not 100% happy with the result tho, not sure what's missing or did wrong ´-`;; But I hope you guys like it anyway!

Jinx reward:
+ Sketch
+ Nude
+ Heart pupil
+ Pasties

- Sketch
- Nude
- Heart pupil
- Pasties
+ Lace
+ Lace heart pupil
+ Pasties heart pupil
+ Pasties lace
+ Pasties lace heart pupil
+ .PSD file

Thank you!



Anthony Rodriguez

This is really cute. I actually didn't know this was a chroma until I saw you were working on it.


Ei nao fique triste !!!! Seu trabalho foi ótimo!! Não fica desencorajado você é um ótimo artista, eu sou brasileiro e sim sou super fã seu <3


nice i really like it


Awwh thats so pretty! I didnt know they made a new jinx skin i want to get it now. I hope they let you do the white/black like that, it looks super cool


Thank youu! Honestly I feel in love with this chroma, had to draw it :3


Yesss! There are lots of different chromas and they all look pretty nice <3


idk what you're not liking either. The banding is great, the transparency on the gloves is just right, it is an interesting dynamic pose!